Sunday, 31 January 2016

My Brief Presentation

My Presentation on Gothic Horror

I created a Power Point on the chosen book which is The Curious case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, I was quite nervous getting up in front of everyone and give them my ideas, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. These are my first ideas on the character and hopefully from here I can use this as an inspiration and start creating my own design. 

Friday, 29 January 2016

Black Swan

Black Swan

The film Black Swan, directed by Darren Aronofsky starring Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. Is a captivating story about a young ballerina battling with the competitive world of professional ballet.  Its a very emotional story showing her struggle with emotions and love while trying to keep her lead role in the ballet Swan Lake.

Watching this film was really captivating as it is something that links in with what I have been reading "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde- R.L. Stevenson". The characters Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde have similar traits to the star of Black Swan, Nina. The traits are that they have been showing cases of split personality, as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde have two different sides good and evil and the film shows Nina struggling with her own personality disorder as she stresses to keep her lead role. You see transformations in her personality which is linked with the role she is playing for Swan Lake. " A classic story depicting the virgin/whore dichotomy that men face when choosing a lover."  She has to play two different roles in her ballet and I think this is what pushes her split personality, also with her abusive childhood and heightened stress of the role.

It has been interesting to research different split personality disorders and see in films and read in books of how people change and act when not in control of themselves, it is sad to know that this is actually happening to people now and their is no know cure.


Christina Villarreal. 2011. Black Swan-ma cinematic portryal of schitzophrenia [29/01/16]

Wikepedia, modified 2016. Black Swan [29/01/16]. Available from:

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Multiple Personality Disorder/Dissociative Identity Disorder

Multiple Personality Disorder/ Dissociative Identity Disorder

The Strange case of Jekyll and Hyde novel by R.L.Stevenson is a classic Victorian Gothic Horror. The character Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde shows symptoms of a split personality after he has drank the potion. Dr Jekyll is a well respected man but he has a small incline of evil her feels in his soul but is to afraid to show it as he will be criticised. Jekyll successfully creates a potion that enable him to free his evil soul under his own power, thus Mr Hyde was created. He is able to please his own evil cravings through Hyde, Hyde is different not only in feelings but in his looks as he looks deformed and grotesque. Mr Hyde becomes to powerful and takes over which leads Dr Jekyll to his death.

“With every day and from both sides of my intelligence, the moral and intellectual, I thus drew steadily to that truth by whose partial discovery I have been doomed to such a dreadful shipwreck: that man is not truly one, but truly two."

As you can see in the book Dr Jekyll is struggling with with his good and evil, showing their is a split personality and he creates a monster to allow ones self to step into the dark side.

The symptoms of a split personality is basically is a condition that causes a person to show multiple personalities but Dr Jekyll shows the symptoms of Dissociative Identity disorder which presents different personalities at distinctive times and each personality doesn't sometimes recall what the other has done, but in the novel Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde recall what the other has done which also doesn't tie in with multiple personality disorder. The characters a more in common with Dissociative Identity Disorder as they see completely different people taking over at precise times. The physical appearance of them both changes from old age to younger and deformed.

"Thus, Stevenson creates in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, two equipotent, coexistent, and eternally opposed components that make up a “normal”"

They are both the same person just split, one is pure evil and has no good in him and the other is a good respectable man. It comes to the point where Dr Jekyll doesn't need to take the potion and just turns into Mr Hyde this is something people with split personality have and can't control.


Indian J Psychiatry. 2008 Jul-Sep, A study in dualism: The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dereck, 2010. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. In: April 30th 2010 .

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The Curious Case of Jekyll and Hyde

The Curious Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

I have chosen this book and I liked the idea of two different characters that are just completely different sides of one man. I have heard a few things from the book before reading it and when I was younger went on a scare tour on Halloween which was based on Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, it was in Croxeth Hall in Liverpool and was basically a tour around the grounds and the estate which explained the story and had actors enact it and scare you. I thought the book was really interesting were it starts from a different character (Mr Utterson) view on the story and then starts the story again from Dr Jekyll's view. My chosen character is the combination on Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, why I have chosen to do this is because I found it difficult to just choose one of them I have good ideas for both of them and think it would work to combine them both. Dr Jekyll is an older man, kind, respectful, religious where as Mr Hyde is a dwarfish, young, deformed, evil looking man. I would definitely recommend the book to anyone who is interested in reading any Gothic Horror as it is really interesting dark story about split personality. When reading the book I found it quite difficult to read as it is in 'Old English' and took me a while to get use to it and interoperate some of the language. I felt like I was taken back to that time reading the book with the old English and with the atmosphere the book gave off with its description. I have read Frankenstein before and also found that hard to read but it never really appealed to me as much as this book did, as this book is technically about a now a days bipolar diagnosed people except for the total look transformation and extreme evil personality. 


[1] Arthur Batut, n.d. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde [digital image] [27/01/16]. Available from:

ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON, 1886. The Curious Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. PENGUIN CLASSICS . Place of publication: Penguin Classics (not original publication)

Using Latex

Using Latex

  • Always do an allergy test before using on your model
  • Best to test a week before
  • Use in a ventilated room
  • Use special barrier product underneath
  • Cover over your model
  • Take off if any redness, itchiness and burning sensations 
  • Dispose of the latex in the bin
  • Move hair out of the way
  • Dry latex with cool heat of the hair dryer
  • Test hair dryer heat on neck before using on model
  • Use Acetone to smooth edges of the latex if any build up
  • Always powder before using any products over the end state of the latex


  • Don't not take a allergy test
  • Don't use if there are any reaction to the latex
  • Don't use of hairy areas of the body
  • Don't use grease base products under the latex
  • Don't tip down the sink
  • Don't start to apply any latex onto face unless models eyes are closed

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Old age make-up

Old Age Make-up

Consultation notes:
Name: Simona Gabriela
Skin type: normal
Hair type: long brown
Skin tone: tanned
Eye colour: brown
Eyeshape: Even
Allergies/medication: N/A
Contraindications: N/A
Notes: Use Barrier base before using latex

Tools used:
Old age stipple
Orange stipple sponge
Kryolan foundation palette
Kryolan camouflage concealer

Wrinkles on the Face with Latex



 Before starting make sure the skin is clear of any products.

Step 1
Apply the special barrier product where you are applying the latex
Step 2
Tip models head back and stretch out the skin where you are applying
Step 3
Stipple latex on with orange stipple sponge, make sure you stipple edges out and its a thin layer, then dry with cool air of the hair dryer with waving motions
Step 4
Apply a few more layers until you are happy, dry with hair dryer between layers
Step 5
Apply powder after all layers of latex are done and dry.

Wrinkles on the Hand with Old Age Stipple



Step 1
Apply special barrier product to the area you are applying the old age stipple
Step 2
Apply the old age stipple with a normal sponge and dry layer with cool heat of the hair dryer
Step 3
Apply more layers and dry each layer
Step 4 
Powder over the top at the end

How to make it more Realistic

I have took a picture of an old aged woman's hand to help me make the hand more realistic.

Image I have used to help me make the hand more realistic




Step 1
Mix foundations together that match the model own skin tone
Step 2 
Stipple on with a brush 
Step 3
Look at real image and create the different tones that you get on hands and create the tone in the foundations and stipple on
Step 4
Create liver spots or freckles onto the hand to make the hand more realistic, dab on with the end of small brush and use finger to dab and spread more.
Step 5 
Powder over when you are happy and done


I am really happy with the first application on the face but not so happy with the hand application, If i had more time I would have used acetone to blend out the edges more and took my time applying the foundation to create the realistic tone of the hand. I believe I had a good try as it was my first time using the old age stipple but I am going to stick to using the latex as it is not as thick and dries clear so if I needed any colour added to the normal latex you could just add it over. I really enjoyed doing this and would like to incorporate this somehow in my final look, I just need more practice.