Monday, 25 April 2016




Books/ web articles/ magazines/ journals/ blogs:

ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON, 1886. The Curious Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. PENGUIN CLASSICS . Place of publication: Penguin Classics (not original publication)

 David Pringle,St James Guide to Horror, Ghost & Gothic writers, 1998,p565-567

Fred Botting, 2014. GOTHIC. 2nd Edition. Place of publication:NEW CRITICAL IDIOM

TeleVixen. (-). Female Archetypes Of American Horror Story. Isn't Enough. - (-), All.

Oisin Vink, Dublin Homestead, summer 2014 The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies 14 (Summer 2015). American Horror Story: Coven (FX 2013) pg 146-149

Halberstam, Judith.1994. Skin Shows : Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters chapter 2

Indian J Psychiatry. 2008 Jul-Sep, A study in dualism: The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dereck, 2010. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. In: April 30th 2010 .

Films/ TV/ Youtube:
Jekyll and Hyde,2015 [TV SERIES]. ITV Productions [ITV CATCHUP]
Leese, I. (2014) The art of gothic: Britain’s midnight hour. Available at:
Black Swan, 2010 [FILM]. Fox Searchlight Pictures (Darren Aronofsky).

WIKI, N.D. American Horror Story Asylum [20/03/16]. Available from:
Lesley Goldberg,2013.American Horror Story who survived the asylum? [20/03/16] Available from:
Wiki n.d. American Horror Story Conven [20/03/16]. Available from:
Chris Harnick, 2013. American Horror Story: Coven’ Ratings: 5.5 Million Viewers Under Show’s Spell [22/03/6]. Available from:
RELEVIXEN 2011. Female Archetypes of American Horror Story [21/03/16]. Available from:
Indian J Psychiatry 2008. A study in dualism:the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Hyde [28/01/16]. Available from: URL
Wikepedia, modified 2016. Black Swan []. Available from:
All images resources are from Pintrest/Google and are refereced on each blog post.

Sunday, 24 April 2016



The project theme this term was Gothic horror, I love horror so I was really excited to start. Having to choose and read a book was a good start to the project and I was really pleased with the book I had chosen and character I had picked (The strange case of Jekyll and Hyde, Jekyll and Hyde). I have also really enjoyed creating characters based on one of my favourite TV Series (American Horror Story).I loved learning special effects techniques and can’t wait to start this next year. Creating cuts/ burns/ wounds and old age skin was really interesting to learn and I feel a lot more confident going into next year knowing how to create little bits already. I have experienced what it would be like to create a continuity make-up, this is something I have never done before, I was really nervous about this as it was something new. This will help me a lot in the future as I want to be working behind film/TV and continuity is really important. I want to develop my overall special effects skills and would like to learn a lot more about creating wounds and using prosthetics. Looking at different make-up artists and how they have developed their skills over the years motivates me, especially   Ve Neill she has worked on so many big films, like Pirates of the Caribbean, Hunger Games, Thor, Sweeney Todd, The Grinch and many more. As she has worked on many different films I look into the make-up and try and find how she creates the make-up and what she uses for it. She has also won a lot of different awards; I aim to be as inspirational as she is to me some day. I enjoyed creating the wounds; I found it difficult blending the edges of the latex out to make it look realistic. I really enjoyed colour matching to the skin but I also think these are areas I need to work on. What I think was the most successful part of my project was the continuity make-up not only did I really enjoy doing it, I think I done really well at recreating the look. When creating the continuity make-up it was hard to decide to use the latex to create the old age look or go will just using shadows to create the wrinkles. I found it a problem choosing which to do but I had chosen to go with using the shadows as I believed this would be a better option for continuity as latex is sometimes unpredictable and I was not very confident using it. I also think my TV Series character Quentin’s images weren't what I wanted them to appear like as the scar I created using collodion was shiny in the images from the lights flashing off it. It affected my final images which I was hoping would turn out good but as it was shiny looking it didn't look realistic. I have learnt from this mistake to use translucent powder over the scar when doing anything like this again. I would make sure I time managed myself as I have not been very organized with my first year. I need to learn to manage my projects better for next year as I don’t want to be behind or stressed getting everything finished right at the end. I also think it is important to do more than one shoot for your final projects, if I had done this for my last project I would have realized my mistakes and had time to correct and re shoot them. Overall I have really enjoyed this year I am quite sad it over so quick but I am also really excited to start a new year doing something I know I will love.

Technical Folder Sign Off

Technical Folder Sign Off

Claudia and Quentin final images

Claudia and Quentin Final Images

My final look for American Horror Story- Conven: Claudia

My final look for American Horror Story- Conven: Quentin

Image of them both together

I really enjoyed doing the make-up for this project and also taking the images. The make-up came out just as I wanted it which I am really happy about. If I could change anything I would have looked into detail on the camera especially at Quentin as looking at the images now everything is how I wanted it except for the scar on his chest as the lights are bouncing off the collodion as it is shiny, I would add translucent powder over the top of the scar to top the shine showing but I hadn't realised this during the shoot. Other than that I think it links in well with the American Horror Story Conven. Altogether I have learnt a lot this year and still learning as I have learnt a good lesson here and it is also a good idea to do more than one shoot in the future to check if you want to change anything about the make-up or the lighting.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Quentin Face chart/ Hair chart

Quentin Face charts/ Hair Charts

I am portraying Quentin as a Frankenstein mixed body part type. He will have scars and be dead looking. Have sweaty skin bags under eyes and red eyes. I am creating a scar on his neck where his head has been attached to a different body. The word I am choosing to inspire me on this look is 'Awakening' as I wanted to make him look like he has been awakened from his grave by Claudia. Quentins hair will be messy and sooty looking.

Face chart

Make-up used
Kryolan Bruise Wheel
Mac Lip peicil- Stripdown

Front view hair chart

Tools needed:

Claudia Face chart/Hair chart

Claudia Face chart/ Hair chart

Claudia's Make-up will be perfect, she will have maroon eye makeup with sharp eyeliner, she will have dark lips and look beautiful. Shes a witch so she has to have a essence of evil about her, so her makeup will be heavy and look dark. She will be wearing all black and be assesoriesed with a black floppy hat and black neck collar. I want to get a black veil and try different posses with that over her face also to get some goo shots. Her hair will be pin straight.

Face chart

Make-up Products:
Mac Studio Fix NW20
Mac Pro Long Wear Concealer NC15
Kryolan Old Age Wheel- Medium Brown
Kryolan Translucent Powder
Illamasqua Sculpting Powder Duo- Heliopolis
Mac Mineralize Blush- Love Joy
Mac Strobe Cream 
Mac Mineralize Skinfinish- Soft & Gentle

Illamasqua Eye Shadow- Justify
Mehron Earth Palette- Red Earth
Mac Fluid line- Black track
Illamasqua Eyebrow cake- Peek
Illamasqua Eye shadow- Obsidian
Mac Fluid line Brow Gelcreme- True Brunette
Illamasqua Eyebrow cake- Thunder
Loreal- Brow Artist Plumer- Medium/Dark

Mac Lip Pencil-Brick
Kryolan Lip Rouge Mini Palette- LC009

Front hair chart

Side hair chart

Tools needed:
Hair Protection spray

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Quentins character


Claudia has an imaginary boyfriend, Quentin, who is long suffering and a constant disappointment to her. They don’t live together but he visits regularly and they talk on the telephone if he can’t get in to see her. As he is part of her imagination his appearance changes to suit her mood. Sometimes he will be a David Beckham looking guy, whilst in another scene he will appear as a Pete Docherty type, Daniel Craig type or a Hollyoaks Babe. If she is having a bad day he will morph into an uncouth couch potato chav with all that brings with it.

He is as into the horror film genre as she and into role-playing to suit her whims and moods.

Claudia has a paranoid suspicion that he is constantly having affairs behind her back and keeps him firmly under her thumb, sometimes restraining him or keeping him prisoner in one of the rooms.

Going from the brief I have came up with a few ideas how to place this character into American Horror Story: Conven

Quentin is a figure of Claudia’s imagination, his body changes with her mood. His body is full of scars where the parts change, if she see's him as a couch potato his body will change and he will have fat body parts, if she is having a good day he will look like a normal boy but still with the scars. I will be having Quentin looking like he has been pulled from the grave and has dark circles under his eyes and messy hair as she always keeps him a prisoner as she believes he will cheat on her.

I want Quentin to have a deathly look about him as he was brought back to life by Claudia (so she believes). He will have a scar around his neck and down his chest, he will also have one around his wrists. His hair will be messed up without a style.

I have chosen the word awakening for Quentin, as Claudia thinks she has brought him back to life and he is now hers he will be shown as if he has awakened from death.

The look I want to go for with the outfit is a black jacket without a top underneath as I want to be able to see the scars underneath. This is the sort of image I am trying to go for but not a sexy looking, it was hard to find an exact image to something I wanted but this is something similar with a back jacket and bare underneath.